Yedioth Ahronoth: Ground Incursion into Lebanon is A Death Trap Prepared by Hezbollah

By Staff
The “Israeli” Yedioth Ahronoth daily reported that the entity’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu feared war with Hezbollah and spoke about its severity.
The prime minister and his associates in the media had previously claimed that he had blocked War Minister Yoav Gallant’s initiative on October 10 to launch a preemptive attack on Hezbollah. He knew that such a war would be destructive for “Israel”, and he should not embark on this adventure.
The newspaper also noted that despite the transfer of regular and reserve forces to the northern border, including the 98th Division, there is no immediate readiness for a ground invasion of Lebanon. The majority of the senior leadership believes that “Israel” has made a tragic and bitter mistake on this issue twice before, in 1982 and 2006, and should not enter what many see as a death trap being prepared by Hezbollah.
“‘Israel’s’ behavior today is similar to its behavior at the beginning of the 2006 war,” the newspaper added. “‘Israel’ initially believed it would defeat Hezbollah with air power and without a ground invasion. When that failed, and Hezbollah continued to fire on ‘Israeli’ cities and settlements, it was forced to invade Lebanon, an invasion and war that achieved none of its goals.
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